Digital for sustainable development: the new "constellations" of professions and skills

We report the article "Digital for sustainable development: the new "constellations" of professions and skills", published on, written by Dunia Pepe, appreciated researcher of the National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (INAPP) and member of the General States of Innovation.

The article is the result of her research as a delegate of the General States of Innovation to the Working Group n. 8 of the ASviS. “This is an in-depth research aimed, first of all, at clarifying the links between the concepts of environmental, social and economic sustainability. Secondly, to try to understand the way in which the professions and skills linked to concrete models and interventions for sustainable development can be born and operate".

Very topical and relevant topics concerning a new way of managing cities, for example, but also activities such as agriculture, the protection and recovery of territories, construction. These are the topics addressed: Digitization and sustainable development; Environmental, economic, social and institutional sustainability; Sustainability and employment; The commitments of Coop 21; Professions and "constellations of professions" for innovation.

Click HERE to read the full article.

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