"Divina Thursdays": webinar on the dissemination of innovation

States General of Innovation presents the 2021 Program of cycle of 20 seminars "Thursdays of Divine", which take place from January to December 2021, free and open to all interested parties. The goal is to contribute to Dissemination of Innovation in the broadest sense of the term, stimulating reflections on the gaps to be filled in the paradigm shift towards the Digital Transformation of the productive sectors and of Society as a whole. The president of SGI Fulvio Ananasso introduces the contents of the initiative.
Digital innovation - which starts from technology and then permeates all the social processes that are affected by it - has a heavy impact on our lives, bringing enormous undoubted advantages and at the same time posing ethical questions and the need for the entire process to be at the service of PERSON, who must be at the heart of the paradigm shift.
For this reason, Stati Generali dell'Innovazione has decided to articulate the seminars on various cross-disciplinary themes, from Telecommunications to Social Media, from Quantum Physics to Applied Chemistry, from Cryptography to Art, from Blockchain to Data Science, from Ethics to Sociology, from agile work / smartworking to the Geo-spatial revolution, from the enhancement of Cultural Heritage to IT Security. All with an approach as informative-application as possible.

After the first four webinars already held between January and March 2021 by the President of SGI Fulvio Ananasso, by the social media expert Roberto Grossi and the security expert Sandro Fontanaa (the related videos are available at the links indicated in the attached programme), between 25 March and 6 May 2021, 7 webinars will be held on "Agile management of the PA" (GAP), in the context of Wise Town Civic Tech Academy (program attached).
The seminars are taught by Flavia Marzano, Sergio Farruggia And Fulvio Ananasso, with the participation of important experts, including: the internationally renowned sociologist prof. Peter Dominici of the University of Perugia; the start upper Luca Venturella; geography experts professor Mary Paradise (State University of Milan) and professor Andrea Taramelli (IUSS Pavia); President UNCEM Marco Bussone; the coordinator of WG 11 ASviS and former mayor of Bologna / executive director of Urban@it Walter Vitali, and others awaiting confirmation.
We will talk about basic principles of the internet, from the smart cities And geospatial revolution, how this is reflected in post-pandemic "agile" work, the complexity and unpredictability of our real life immersed in the digital world. All themes that recall the privacy protection, user profiling, digital jobs, etc., and the need for guidelines regardingData ethics, Algorithms and Platforms.

The May, 20th the physicist and philosopher Piero Sammartino will recall the theories and calculation tools throughout the history and evolution of human existence: from the abacus to the quantum computer. It will be an opportunity to introduce the basic concepts of quantum computers, which unlike the current ones based on "bits" (value 0 or 1), use "Qubits", i.e. the superposition of states typical of quantum systems, which are found in a state that is simultaneously 0 and 1.
It is as if computers simultaneously used all possible combinations between 0 and 1, resulting in calculation powers enormously (exponentially) superior to classical calculators. The 3 June a great expert in the sector at an international level, Catalina Curceanu of INFN, will start from the paradox of Schrödinger's cat to introduce us to these promising applied theories.
The June 24th, the teacher Emma Angelini of the Polytechnic of Turin will talk about how Chemistry can provide different types of contributions on the dating of finds, their provenance, authentication, material composition, state of degradation, etc., making targeted restoration and conservation interventions possible. The dating of well-known finds such as the Shroud, the characterization of coins from various eras, etc. will be illustrated.
The topic of "humanistic innovation" will then be taken up again on 15th of July by the artist Mauro Benetti, who will illustrate the importance of "being able to make something of the dark, of painting so as not to be satisfied with the limit, so as not to give up on the infinite". Painting "lives in the desert of emotions, it tries to create encounters that have the characteristics of the possible, to open the door to mystery and hope, which is the memory of the future".
After the summer break, the seminars will resume on September 9th with a review of Sandro Fontana of progress in the field Blockchains, illustrating history, evolutions and algorithmic innovations from the first “cryptocurrency” Bitcoin to the more recent and promising Algorand, conceived by Professor Silvio Micali, a distinguished Italian expert from MIT in Boston, winner of the 2012 Turing prize, a sort of Nobel Prize in computer science.
Next, the September 30th, Dominic Christmas (President of the UNI CT 504 Software Engineering Commission) will illustrate theaccessibility and usability of the web by people with disabilities and other authorized. The webinar will explore these properties according to some ISO standards and the AgID Guidelines of 2020, which list the legal obligations for central and local public administrations, and the technical criteria to be respected.
The October 14th Still Dominic Christmas will explore the concept of Data quality, especially in a period of "infodemic", too much data that is difficult to aggregate and summarize which does not always allow for selection of what is useful for their governance. The webinar will describe the ISO data quality model consisting of 15 characteristics and 63 quality measures, with the hope that we can gradually proceed to improve national databases and their greater integration.
The November 4th, Sandro Fontana will talk about Cyber-security: advice from a good family man in the use of information & communication technologies (ICT), and finally Roberto Grossi will track the November 25th an annual assessment of social media compared to the trends outlined at the beginning of the year, last January 28, and will illustrate the business models of free online services.
The Stati Generali dell'Innovazione website will have a page dedicated to "Divina Thursdays", with the various webinars, the calendar and links to our YouTube channel with recordings of the seminars.

Read the PROGRAM with CALENDAR business suit.

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