All ready to Montepulciano for the third edition of “Lights at work”, the three-day event dedicated to the adeepening and analysis of the world of work, organized by Italy Work, from the Municipality of Montepulciano and by Eidos (European Institute of Documentation and Social Studies), to be held from 10 to 12 July.
Labor policies, young and European structural funds; industrial policies and labor policies; Work, environment and territory; innovation enters the company: processes change and new jobs develop, these are some of the topics that will be discussed through debates, workshops and round tables, by exponents of civil society and representatives of the institutions and social partners.
Born as Creative festival of short films dedicated to the themes of work, the demonstration then developed as discussion forum, while maintaining the characterizing element of a space dedicated to work as an expression of art, through a creative competition dedicated to video, photography and innovative digital content.
This year also Sttati Generali dell'Innovazione and the network WISTER swill be present at "Lights at Work" with a double contribution: in fact we will be present as members of the jury for i innovative digital content e as speaker in the panel dedicated to Innovation and Enterprise to be held on11 July at 4.00 pm.
These are the participants in the panel on Friday 11 on Innovation enters the company: processes change and new jobs develop: Luigi Dallai (Chamber of Deputies); Giuseppe Tripaldi (Assett Camera Rome); Riccardo Giovani (Director of the trade union area of Confartigianato Imprese); Stefano Scaramelli (Mayor of Chiusi), Maurizio Decastri (Full Professor of Business Organization, Tor Vergata University); Mario Raffa (Professor of Economic-Management Engineering, University of Naples Federico II); Tiziana Ragni (alias Meri Pop, Director of democratic and editorial director of Youdem TV); Alex Giordano (International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences -New York).
Moderator: Gianni Dominici (General Manager Forum PA).
To follow, comment and share the hashtag of the event is #lights at work2014
This the Full program of Lights at Work
For more information: