On the occasion of the second edition of the Festival promoted by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), the Polo Universitario Rita Levi-Montalcini, the Study Center on Rural Development of the Hill of the University of Turin, the Master in Local Development of the University of Eastern Piedmont and the association Stati Generali dell'Innovazione, organized the public meeting to participate simultaneously - together with other squares of Italy- at the national event Urban Agendas for Sustainable Developmentscheduled in Bologna Friday 25 May.
The urban centers and villages of the Internal Areas of South-Eastern Piedmont will have the opportunity to participate together in the day of the Festival dedicated toGoal 11 – Sustainable Cities/Communities- of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, reaching the virtual square of sustainability al "Rita Levi-Montalcini" University Center of Asti.
The meeting will propose to the audience:
- some training activities related to sustainable development carried out in the Asti area,
- the initiatives undertaken by a representation of the actors of this territory in terms of sustainable development,
to promote inclusive and systemic involvement in the initiatives launched by ASviS.
One of these refers precisely to the invitation to adopt an Agenda for Sustainable Development that theASviS addressed to all cities and local communities, through the national event in Bologna.
The hoped-for creation of a collaborative network among all the participants in the event on May 25 at the Polo Universitario di Asti can represent a first action in response to this invitation. Local municipalities and communities that are interested in producing their own Agenda will be able to draw support - in various forms - from this context.
Furthermore, the increased and widespread awareness of the issues related to the objectives of the UN 2030 strategy could be the result to be shared at a national level on the occasion of the next edition of the Festival, moving from the 2018 "virtual square" to various real squares of sustainable development between the Langhe, Roero and Monferrato, in 2019.