“Ethics of innovation in the Digital Economy”: SGI at #Restart

“Innovation Ethics in the Digital Economy” is the theme of the meeting, conducted by Roberto Reale, which will be held Monday 30 November 2020 (21-22.30) in the context of #Restart, the project with which Eutopian, the European Observatory on Democratic Innovation, participates in the Digital Republic promoted by the Ministry of Technological Innovation.

The protagonist will be the President of SGI Fulvio Ananasso, who thus explains the topics he will cover during his speech: "the webinar will examine the relevant sectors in theDigital Economy (telecommunications, platforms, contents, individuals), the principles of personal data protection / right to privacy in the new frontiers of Data Science, the worrying social implications of manipulating consent through micro-targeting, filtering, bubbling, echo chambers operations , … which can pose a serious risk to our democracies, and then try to draw some guidelines regarding the “Digital Ethics”, rights and duties in the internet age, Data Ethics, Algorithms and Platforms”.
The final part will be dedicated “to recalling the requisites and knowledge needed to be citizens e aware consumers (“consumer-actors”), bridging the gap that still sees us in rearguard positions in developed countries regarding the awareness and deployment of intelligent digital ecosystems and at the same time ethical and socially responsible".
To participate you need to register here.

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