From 9 to 15 April the third edition of the Week of Digital Cultures #SCUD2018

From the 9 to 15 of Aprilwill take place there Third Edition of the Week of Digital Cultures #SCUD2018.

At the address  it is possible to consult the first recorded events in the Map #SCUD2018.

It can be registered own initiative in

The #SCUD2018 consists of a week of events dedicated to the value of digital cultures in all their forms, organized by the institutions belonging to the Digital Cultural Heritage, Arts & Humanities School and by any other organization adhering to the initiative's manifesto.

Conferences, seminars, orientation initiatives, open workshops, performances and any other event or form of communication suggested by the creativity of the proponents are foreseen, as long as it is effective according to the objective of disseminating a serious basic digital culture within the DCH.

The initiatives that will contribute to the achievement of the #DiCultHer objective for #2018 will be particularly welcome: from "STEM" to "Digital SHTEAM” to remove disciplinary and gender barriers in the ecosystem of Digital Science, Humanities, Technology, Engineering, Arts And Mathematics.

The initiative is part of the Italian events for 2018, the European year of cultural heritage#Europeforculture #sharingheritage #Patrimonio2018.

The Digital Culture Weeks are dedicated to Prof. Antonio Ruberti, the undisputed master of dialogue in the different fields of science. In his role as Minister of University and Research, since 1991 Antonio Ruberti has promoted the Weeks of Scientific Culture. This was the first step in a process of disseminating scientific culture which, then continued in Europe in his function as European Commissioner for science, research and technological development and education, led him to launch agreements with international institutions, European programs and, as the natural point of arrival of the path, prompted him to link the initiatives of individual countries with the establishment of the European Week of Scientific Culture.

Dedicating the Digital Culture Week to Antonio Ruberti was therefore a natural act for DiCultHer and wants to assume the meaning of connection and continuity between the grateful memory for a life dedicated entirely to Science and the dissemination of scientific culture and the current openness towards the digital paradigm that, more and more and more deeply, affects our way of living and thinking about culture.

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