Copernicus Open School on Viticulture 4.0 and Landscape: Asti from 23rd to 25th September


Definitive program and registration procedures available from 19 August, on this site


There Geospatial Data and Satellite Facilities Open SchoolViticulture 4.0 and Landscape of the Piedmont Hills” intends to address the complex and current theme of the use of technologies for Earth Observation, with particular attention to its more innovative aspects and to the strategies already used or applicable in favor of the wine company aware of its indissoluble link with the Landscape in which it operates and which it contributes to forming, as a synthesis of the complex cultural heritage expressed by the territory itself.


The school, open to all those interested in the wine sector, is mainly aimed at graduates, master's graduates and undergraduates in subjects related to Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, Agri-food Sciences and Technologies, Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Herbal Techniques, Agricultural Plant Biotechnology, Biological Sciences and Natural Sciences ; Graduates in possession of an equivalent foreign qualification; PhDs and PhD students; Researchers; Agricultural Experts, Agrotechnical Experts and Technicians of the sector; technical institute teachers.


At the end of the course a certificate of participation will be issued.

A request for acknowledgment of training credits has been sent to the National Council of the Order of Agronomists and Forestry Doctors and to the National College of Graduated Agrotechnicians and Agrotechnicians.


The didactic activity is divided into three days. The program includes frontal lessons, which will be followed by technical-practical workshops, in which the participants, assisted by tutors, they will be able to acquire knowledge of application tools and methodologies.

Bearing in mind the peculiarities of the wine sector, in the morning of first day we will go into the merits of geospatial technologies, which cultural changes are introducing, because it is of fundamental importance to be aware of them, with particular reference to the evolution of Remote Sensing also determined thanks to the European Programme Copernicus. This first introductory session will end with the presentation of the effects induced by this technological and cultural transformation in the context of the processes of disbursement of aid, contributions and premiums envisaged by the new Community Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union.

The second part of the morning provides for the official opening of the course, which will be followed in the afternoon by the presentation of the major themes - effects induced by climate change, understanding of the spread of vine diseases, guarantees of the quality of the wine product -, identified as of exercise within the subsequent technical-practical laboratories.

The morning of second day will be dedicated to the exhibition of the aspects concerning the Conservation of the Landscape and Cultural Heritage expressed by the Langhe-Roero and Monferrato Territory, UNESCO heritage, declined with respect to the opportunities offered by geospatial technologies, but also with regard to the expectations for their rapid diffusion and a their extensive use. This session completes the lecture program of the course.

The afternoon session of the second day will kick off the technical-practical laboratory conducted by companies in the sector - e-Geos, Planetek and Agricolus - with half-day interventions each, an experience that will conclude at the end of the third day.


There Geospatial Data and Satellite Facilities Open SchoolViticulture 4.0 and Landscape of the Piedmont Hills” will take place in Asti, on 23, 24 and 25 September 2019, at the "Giovanni Penna" Agricultural Technical Institute, Location Viatosto, 54, Asti.


States General of Innovation: Sergio Farruggia, Tel. + 39 3355699506,

National User Forum – Copernicus Academy: Maria Vittoria Castellani – ISPRA, Tel. +39 3496667081,

Organizational Secretariat:

The Geospatial Data and Satellite Facilities Open School

The OpenSchool, are an innovative, informative and training tool, considered particularly effective, to pursue what is called "User Uptake" within the European Copernicus Programme, i.e. to increase awareness and knowledge of what the usefulness of using of the innovative Earth Observation tools and the geospatial and dynamic representation of the information produced by them, among the "end users", making them appreciate the added value that they can provide in the context of carrying out their ordinary activities and for the pursuit of their goals, including corporate ones.

Copernicus is the Program User Driven of the European Commission which collects information from multiple sources, i.e. Earth observation satellites and land, sea and airborne sensors. It integrates and processes all this information, providing users, both institutional and pertaining to the industry sector, with reliable and updated information through a series of services relating to the environment, territory and safety. Particular commitment is aimed at training initiatives to allow professionals, public operators, fourth sector associations and citizens to take advantage of services dedicated to them.

A OpenSchool therefore it has the objective and the ambition to address those who work, those who advise and indicate, those who have to make decisions, those who are curious, with simplicity and practicality, opening up to a generality of subjects such as professionals, university students and technical institutes, operators and public officials, as well as the various and multiple "stakeholders" of the territory.

There Geospatial Data and Satellite Facilities Open School “Viticulture 4.0 and Landscape of the Piedmont Hills” is proposed by the States General for Innovation and by the Coordination of the Copernicus Academy, as expressions of the Copernicus National User Forum for, respectively, the Third Sector community and the University and Research Community, in collaboration with ISPRA, AM/FM GIS Italia, the Italian Remote Sensing Association, the Study Center for the Rural Development of the Hill - University of Turin, the Asti University Pole "Rita Levi-Montalcini", the "Giovanni Penna" Agricultural Technical Institute of Asti and MIPAAFT.

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