Public consultation on the Declaration of Internet rights: there is time until February 27th

The public consultation on the matter is still active for a few days Draft Declaration of Internet Rights.
It's possible participate here with amendments and proposals  until February 27th.
The Internet has made a decisive contribution to redefining public and private space, to structuring relationships between people and between them and institutions. It has erased borders and built new ways of producing and using knowledge. It has broadened the possibilities for direct intervention of people in the public sphere. It has changed the organization of work. It has allowed the development of a more open and free society. The Internet must be considered as a global resource which responds to the criterion of universality.
The consultation concerns the draft of the Declaration of rights on the Internet drawn up by Study commission set up at the Chamber of Deputies and already made public on October 13, 2014.  This is a Declaration, not a bill. The Declaration is a contribution to the public debate which intends to indicate a direction for possible regulatory developments at all levels, from national legislation to international treaties. The consultation invites all interested parties to comment on the articles and paragraphs of the draft. Based on a mathematical method each article has equal visibility, therefore the display is not in ascending order. It is also possible to send other types of free contributions concerning the Declaration as a whole. It is recommended to always motivate one's proposals.
After consultation, all the contributions received will be evaluated by the Study Commission which will then publish a summary document on this site. Subsequently, the Commission will formulate the definitive text of the Declaration of rights on the Internet.
“Active citizenship also passes through participation and participating also means making concrete proposals for improvement. Each of us, before #benaltrismo, should produce alternative proposals, improvements, suggestions.  Now it's your turn, all of us... forward with the amendments!
Good job to all of us”
Flavia Marzano

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