“How to identify technological solutions to contrast Covid-19?”

“How to identify technological solutions to contrast Covid-19?” is the article written for Key4Biz from Fulvio Ananasso, President of the General States of Innovation and CDTI Councilor with Sandro Fontana, CEO & Digital Architect GT50, SGI and CDTI.

A very topical issue on which the two experts wanted to question themselves with an in-depth analysis of the various aspects of the question: «The reflection - the authors explain - originates from the consideration of how much (too much) emphasis has been placed on the role crucial, and vaguely "salvific", of a "contact tracing" app for the fight against the pandemic. In our opinion, the deployment of an effective technological solution should NOT start from an app but possibly arrive at it starting from a rigorous process of investigation ("top down") of all aspects of the problem: health, organisational, legal, social economic and human".

The authors hope that their intervention can outline a path that leads to the establishment of a Multidisciplinary working group – experts in the health sector, data protection, technologists, computer scientists, jurists, … – who investigate and analyze the various questions and produce recommendations and suggestions for institutional decision-makers on the technological solutions to be adopted.

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