Smart cities and participatory reconstruction of L'Aquila – 6 June – Volunteer House – via Saragat – L'Aquila
A meeting organized by the City Assembly in collaboration with the General States of Innovation Association, with the participation of representatives of institutions, associations, businesses and the university world.
Attempting to plan the reconstruction in the city of L'Aquila, today, means considering beyond the earthquake damage, the total destruction of the historic center, also the problems deriving from an inattentive management of the post-earthquake which has increased the living space tenfold, creating new logistical problems for which solutions must be sought.
Hence the need to address the discourse in an elementary, simple but broadest possible way by asking ourselves which roads are actually practicable today in L'Aquila, for the social and material reconstruction: new methods and advanced technology sustainable by a city, and by a population , by citizens in transition, which do not create further unemployment.
In a context of general crisis which can only be overcome by raising and taking on new challenges.
Not yet another conference, but an attempt to take a step forward. Together.
14.30 – 15.00 – Welcome greetings
- Gianvito Pappalepore, Head of the Volunteer House
- Gianni Chiodi, Commissioner for Reconstruction and President of the Abruzzo Region*
- Maximum Cialente, Mayor of L'Aquila
- Maria Giovanna Iurato, Prefect of L'Aquila*
(* invited, awaiting confirmation)
15.00 – 16.50 – Open Panel – Issues for the government of L'Aquila
Introduces: Nello Iacono – States General Innovation
- Information Transparency Participation –From “wheelbarrows” to the Town Assembly – Ezio Bianchi – Citizen Assembly of L'Aquila
- A city in transition – Gabriella Liberatore – Transition Town
- Leonardo Scimia, Stefano Albano, Alessandro Mucciante – Student Council
- Interaction and participation in a neo-polycentric city – Massimo Alesii AGT Communications
- Innovation and automation for the handicapped –Giampiero Mingroni AIPD
- Innovative technologies for smart… and clean cities – Giuseppe Spanto – Is Tech
leads: Carlo Infante – States General of Innovation
16.50 – 18.15 – Open Panel – Innovation, Communication, Participation
How technological innovations can allow integral, timely, intelligent communication that allows the gradual recovery of trust and participation
Introduces: Nello Iacono – States General Innovation
- Saverio Massaro, Urban Experience
- Ettore Di Cesare – Civic Observatory and participated in the reconstruction
- Gianni Chiodi, Commissioner for Reconstruction and President of the Abruzzo Region*
- Maximum Cialente, Mayor of L'Aquila
- Arch. Marco Morante, Collective 99
They lead: Anna Colasacco – Citizen Assembly of L'Aquila, Carlo Infante – General States of Innovation
(* invited, awaiting confirmation)
18.15 – 18.30 Conclusions and next steps