2013 budget

In 2013, the Association directed its activities towards the pursuit of three main objectives:

  1. to promote concretely the construction of a program for "innovation in the government of Italy", supporting and sustaining the institutional and political initiatives;
  2. constitute a place of permanent participation of all stakeholders, aimed at building a shared perspective for Italy and for a actual change in innovation policy,
  3. enhance and support the best experiences and good practices in the area, promoting their sharing and replicability.

This is the balance sheet as at 12/31/2013

  • revenue 2013 —–> 25947.06
  • outgoings 2013 ——-> 21061.09

Total members as at 31 December 2013 (117 of which 42 Wisters)

Here you can view and download the 2013 budget in detail.

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