Databases of national interest: the National Archive of House Numbers and Urban Streets (ANNCSU)

With pleasure, we welcome the post of our vice president Sergio Farruggia which invites us to reflect on the availability ofNational Archive of House Numbers and Urban Streets (ANNCSU), a database considered of national interest by AgID, based on the art. 60 of the CAD, and belonging to a thematic category of high value datasets, as established by Directive (EU) 2019/1024 of 20 June 2019, on the openness of data and the re-use of public sector information - Directive “Public Sector Information, PSI”.


“Among high-value geographic databases, ANNCSU has significant reuse potential. We hope that it will be published for the recovery of Italy and its evolution more compliant with the principles of Open Government”.

The post was published on the TANTO Blog of the Medium platform: click here for full reading.


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