Best wishes to Rome and to the Romans

In recent days, new arrivals have settled in various Italian cities. My best wishes to all, of any political orientation.

The States General of Innovation are an association that deals with politics in the sense of taking care of public affairs, not with politics in the sense of party militancy. Among our ranks there are volunteers with the most diverse convictions, and we consider this a wealth and a fortune that we want to preserve. But let me send a special wish to the junta of Rome. Both because it is the city that has inherited the most difficult situation, and because "our" Flavia Marzano has been called to be part of it.

For reasons of expediency, today Flavia Marzano resigned as President of the States General of Innovation. We face the difficulty of finding a substitute or a substitute, happy with the fact that his expertise (what a satisfaction to be able to use this word) is now at the service of a beautiful and important city like Rome.

Therefore, from the bottom of my heart, best wishes to Rome and to the Romans. And to our Flavia!

Photo: Daily factJuly 7, 2016.

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