Appointments & News 15-31 May 2018


  • Rome, 22 May FORUMPA 3.00pm-6.00pm, conference "Blockchain for process reengineering and transaction security in the PA”, the shareholder spokesperson Daniel Tumietto
  • Rome, 23 May FORUMPA, 11.45-13.00 "PEC and digital domicile", chairperson Daniel Tumietto
  • Rome, 24 May FORUMPA, 9.30-13.00 “What role for the 21st century citizen? A new conception of active citizenship”, he intervenes Vincent Patruno
  • Campobasso, 24 May at 10 c/o Constitution Hall of the Province of Campobasso the event will take place “Campobasso, City of Mysteries – 21 Educational Workshops for the City”,  presentation, by the DiCultHer Network School in collaboration with the IISS Pertini, of the PON project "Campobasso City of Mysteries", a tribute to the City of Campobasso consisting of 21 Educational Workshops on the city's Cultural Heritage that will be carried out in the 2018 School Year -2019 by the students of 5 Institutes of the capital led by the IISS PERTINI. The members intervene Mark DiPaolo And John Piscolla
  • Rome 29 May at 2.30 pm c/o ISTAT Aula Magna Via Cesare Balbo 14: during the event "The infrastructures of knowledge in the digital world" there will be a speech by the members Carmine Marinucci And Nicholas Bearded by title "Know the digital and reuse it to co-create cultural memory. The challenges of the DiCultHer Network”

Furthermore, we remind you that the tour of the GDPR Day, event sponsored by States General of Innovation


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