- Asti, c/o the great hall of the IISS. “G. Quill": 3rd cycle of conferences "Scienze di Primavera" by CDS – Science Dissemination Center “G. Quill“ and our partner Sabrina Gamba. The appointments of the initiative launched in March continue; the next meetings will be: Saturday 14th April with Dr. Andrea Vico (journalist and trainer) and Dr. Elisa Papa (psychologist) against Cyberbullying and social pathologies related to social networks; Saturday 5 May with Prof. Giulio Senes (professor at the University of Milan and green architect in therapeutic gardens); Saturday 19 May Dr. Michele Bellingeri (researcher collaborating with the well-known Prof. Davide Cassi in Gastronomic Physics and Molecular Cuisine). For info and reservations sabrina.gamba1@gmail.com
- Genoa 6 April 2018 on the occasion of European Night of Geography, the titled event will take place “Genoa between geo-literary itineraries and digital apps”. It is a guided tour in the places of Remigio Zena's novel "The mouth of the wolf" (1892) during which participants will be invited to interact via their smartphones with the free TourBuilder app. To register for the event: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-notte-europea-della-geografia-genova-tra-percorsi-geo-letterari-e-app-digitali-43988244022
- Asti, 10 April at 2pm c/o the “Rita Levi Montalcini” University Pole: as part of the initiatives of the European Copernicus programme, the conference will take placeThe Copernicus Program and Technological Innovation for the Territory – Opportunities for the Inland Areas of South-Eastern Piedmont”. Our vice president Sergio Farruggia will participate in the event, which also sees the States General of Innovation among the organizers. Here the brochure of the event FLYER – The Copernicus Program and Technological Innovation for the Territory.
- Throughout Italy 9 – 15 April Third Edition of the Week of Digital Cultures, a week of events dedicated to the value of digital cultures in all their forms, organized by the institutions belonging to the Digital Cultural Heritage, Arts & Humanities School and by any other organization adhering to the initiative's manifesto. You can register your initiative in https://www.diculther.it/blog/2018/03/02/eventi-organizzati-per-la-iii-edizione-della-settimana-delle-culture-digitali. Here is the list of initiatives already registered http://u.osmfr.org/m/204229/
- Rome 16 April at 17.00 c/o Città dell'Altra Economia: Ordinary meeting of Agenda Tevere Onlus and seminar to present current activities. Participation is reserved for members of the General States of Innovation. For info http://www.agendatevere.org/