“Applying Arts for Education, Creativity and Innovativeness”, a European project promoting the use of creativity in adult education

The Erasmus + project was launched last November “Applying Arts for Education, Creativity and Innovativeness” (2019-1-LT01-KA204-060488), whose goal is to encourage thecreative use of literature and fine arts in non-formal and informal adult education. The aim of the project is also to equip adult educators and training professionals with a methodology and tools for applying the arts to the educational process.
As part of the project, the following will be implemented:
– a methodology based on a student-centred educational model
– a handbook dedicated to educators, teachers, trainers and mentors, HR professionals, coaches and mentors, who are the direct target of this project, for the creative use of the arts in non-formal and informal adult education, with a specific focus on entrepreneurship
– development and implementation of pilot training and national coaching sessions, on issues closely related to the business world, such as: stress management, marketing, leadership, team building, communication, problem solving.

The project partnership involves 6 organizations with different backgrounds and skills in the field of formal and non-formal education for adults from all over Europe.
VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros biuras, a Lithuanian organization providing psychological and training services coordinates the project.

  • EGInA Srl is a training agency and consultancy body based in Foligno (Umbria, Italy), working in the field of EU projects and grants. The company was founded by a team of project managers with many years of experience in the preparation, presentation and implementation of project proposals, as well as in the coordination of international partnerships and in the administrative and financial management of actions at local, national and EU level.
    EGInA operates within a vast and consolidated network of public and private entities, providing high quality services and consultancy in various sectors:
    -EU / international projects
    -Lifelong learning and higher education
    -Research and innovation
    -Transnational mobility

EGInA is committed to implementing national and European social innovation projects, with a particular focus on social and digital innovation and the promotion of digital competence and entrepreneurship education.

  • Weener XL, Work & Income ('s-Hertogenbosch-Netherlands) is a work development organization of the municipality of s-Hertogenbosch which provides financial support and helps people (aged 18 to 65) to find work and to motivate them through social participation, with a special focus on disadvantaged and disabled people and young people unemployed. Weener XL also offers personalized and individual training courses and pathways for young people, to guide them into the job market after finishing school, also involving entrepreneurial realities.
  • Nikanor Ltd Nikanor Ltd operates in the field of recruitment, adult education and human resource management and development. Since this year the organization is a member of EfVET (one of the leading professional associations at European level which was created by and for VET providers.)
    The company operates throughout Bulgaria and internationally, offering vocational training courses in the classroom, online trainings, blended learning, virtual classrooms, etc., in 25 professions and 32 specialties, language courses and master classes. The focus of the organization is not only on the contents of the trainings it offers but also on the improvement of the methodology, with the inclusion of modern pedagogical tools and methods. We offer training courses: target groups are young people, trained in career guidance, career development and entrepreneurship, as well as vulnerable groups on the labor market, including unemployed, marginalized groups, low-skilled, economically disadvantaged, etc. .
    Nikanor's projects and initiatives aim to involve educators, teachers, professors, students and the whole community in the realization of projects and programs that promote lifelong learning and develop communication skills, leadership and professional skills of the participants.
  • Open Europe is a non-profit association headquartered in Reus (Catalonia, Spain) which deals with educational services. All the projects and initiatives of the organization aim to involve educators, teachers, professors, students and the whole community in the realization of projects and programs which promote a lifelong learning process. The educational programs are mainly aimed at developing the communication, leadership and employability skills of the participants.
    Open Europe helps to involve all members of the community in activities especially related to civil participation, integration and technology at the service of people or Smart Cities.
    The organization offers training courses in different sectors by holding language courses, digital security training, offering seminars on gastronomy, dance and personal growth … It also has an information and communication technology department that creates all kinds of platforms and websites.
  • Usak University is a dynamic and rapidly growing Turkish state university that has 12 faculties, 3 colleges, 11 professional schools, 3 graduate schools and 25 research centers. Graduate schools, known as "institutes," offer postgraduate and graduate courses including doctoral degrees in three main areas: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Health Sciences.
    Usak University, which is one of the pioneers in the region with its vigorous academic staff and young students, has recently become a pilot university in the fields of leather, textile and ceramics and is now known for its high standard of education and research, whose profile is determined by the humanistic tradition of the university and by openness to the needs of today's world.
    Usak University has greatly accelerated its efforts in terms of building strong international relations with universities and organizations from other countries at the scientific, academic, social and cultural levels. All necessary steps have been undertaken with enthusiasm to participate in EU education programs and related activities which are deemed to be of great importance for the strategic development of the University. Students attending university have opportunities for self-development in various fields involving many facilities. Various courses, study groups, exhibitions, performances are organized in different fields, such as painting, photography, crafts, music, folk dance, modern dance and theater which enable students to make artistic and cultural contributions according to their interests and abilities .
  • VšĮ Žmogiškųjų išteklių stebėsenos ir plėtros biuras is an NGO active since 2010 with different target groups: victims of violence, (former) offenders, families at social risk, young people, volunteers, social workers, disabled people, etc.
    The services provided include:
    – development and implementation of local and international projects mainly with socially excluded target groups;
    – development and accreditation of training programs for social workers, nurses, managers, employers, volunteers, etc.
    – organization, execution and implementation of various social initiatives and activities, conferences, “round tables” etc. mainly in the field of work with victims of violence, human resource management, inclusion of socially disadvantaged and vulnerable groups
    – research, information, consultancy, external evaluation, translation and interpreting services

ZISPB has more than 20 training programs for developing the skills of social workers, psychologists, adult trainers and educators. ZISPB actively participates in ERASMUS+, NORDPLUS grants for adults, SEE and national programmes.

The project has a two-year duration and for the moment has led to the development of a methodology that explains how to apply the arts and literature to adult education, following an in-depth study of different art forms and the techniques that characterize them and an articulated research on the tools that can be adopted to develop a creative and interactive learning method.

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