Invitation to participate in the MOOC “STE(A)M education for educators” offered by the STEAMonEdu project.
The project STEAMonEdu is funded under the Erasmus+/KA3 program and aims to contribute to innovative and interdisciplinary approaches in the implementation of STE(A)M education, by reviewing and strengthening the professional profile of the teacher. No transition to STEM or STE(A)M education will ever be possible without the full and active involvement of educators. As teaching strategies are changing, educators need to update their competency profiles to meet the challenges of STE(A)M education.
In this context, the STEAMonEdu project has developed the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “STE(A)M Education for Educators: Design, orchestration and implementation of STE(A)M education“. The course is based on the five perspectives of the STEAMonedu Competence Framework for STE(A)M educators, which represent the different roles that a STE(A)M educator can have within the educational process:
- Educator as teacher-trainer-tutor
- Educator as designer and creator of learning
- Educator as orchestrator and manager
- Educator as a member of the community
- Educator as a professional
Who is it for?
The MOOC is aimed at all individuals interested in applying or discovering STE(A)M education, such as:
- active educators (teachers, trainers, etc.) at all levels and in all contexts of formal and non-formal education;
- managers/directors at all levels of formal and non-formal education;
- undergraduate or graduate students.
MOOC participants will gain knowledge and develop skills in the following areas:
- Modern approaches to STE(A)M education
- Design and implementation of STE(A)M educational activities
- STE(A)M education content creation
- STE(A)M educational approach and resource management
- Community building, participation and interaction
- Policies in the context of education STE(A)M
- Competence frameworks and lifelong learning opportunities
Dates and commitment
The MOOC will launch on May 10, 2021 with a first week of introductory and familiarization with the pathway.
Estimated commitment is 4-6 hours per week for 6 weeks.
Participation and certification
Participation is open and unlimited. The MOOC offers free membership (at no extra cost) to anyone with access to the network.
In addition to traditional course materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, the MOOC will provide interactive courses with user forums or social media discussions to support community interactions between students, tutors, teaching assistants, and mentors, as well as feedback Immediate quizzes and quick assignments.
Upon successful completion of the MOOC, the participant will receive a certificate on “STE(A)M Education for Educators” issued by Erasmus Consortium STEAMonEdu.
Do you want to participate in the MOOC?
For more information on the MOOC and to register, please visit