In Foligno 5 – 8 July, the annual event of SGI

We are pleased to announce that the customary annual appointment Of States General of Innovation, this year will be held in Foligno from 5 to 8 July.

The event was born from a close collaboration between our association and the Social Hackathon Umbria 2018, and provides for a busy program of events, in which the work sessions of members will alternate with the meetings and activities of the social hackathon.

After an initial strategic reflection on topics and projects to be monitored in order to place ourselves as a 360° point of reference in the world of innovationand” – writes the president Fulvio Ananasso in the invitation letter – “We would like to use your presence for a frank and constructive discussion about what is expected of the Association, whether it satisfies us as it is today or would like to adapt it to changing times, etc. — a sort of 'Constituent Assembly'.”

An invitation, therefore, “… to collaborate more and more actively in SGI projects and initiatives, both to propose additional ones, and to be part of a manager to involve and make people adhere to States General of Innovation as many new Members as possible, who want to commit themselves to organizing Innovation policies, processes and initiatives "from the bottom up" and locally, contributing to the development, updating and promotion of a country's Innovation program - and in perspective on an international scale“.

So how to participate?

For organizational reasons (including the booking of the agritourism during the high season), your participation is required by next May 25th, which will take place by filling out the form and following the payment instructions at the link

See you in Foligno/Bevagna!

#ProudTobeSGI #SHU2018

F. Ananasso – Communication of the SGI annual event [Bevagna (PG), 5-8 July 2018]

[SGI] Poster Annual Event @ SHU 2018 [July 5-8, 2018] Draft

Program #SHU 2018 [Foligno (PG), 5-8 July 2018]

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