Spending review: free software and cloud for savings

The adoption of Free Software, centralized purchases of a single program valid for all realities, shared databases on the 'cloud' and even servers on the cloud. There are a few simple technological recipes that could be used to reduce the 'digital divide' of the public administration and save in spending review times. And that could perhaps find space in our country's Digital Agenda, where something is moving. During the last high school exams, just to give a recent example, the outlines of the topics were sent electronically with a saving of 240,000 euros, certified by the Minister of Education Francesco Profumo. “The adoption of Free Software by the public administration and its reuse would bring great benefits and savings even if not immediate. But if you don't start it never happens”, explains Flavia Marzano, professor of technology for digital administration at the La Sapienza University of Rome and president of the States General of Innovation, to ANSA.

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