Appointments Authority: politics give a signal of democratic accountability

L'States General Association of Innovation expresses its more strong concern for the news released by the media in these hours about an agreement between the parties for the appointment of the Authorities, in close continuity with the practices of the past and far from what civil society and also various parliamentarians had asked for: a transparent appointment process, based on the assessment of skills and the presence of the indispensable requisites of independence and absence of conflict of interest. We had also joined in the request for a composition of the Council that equally expressed male and female presence.

The appeal to the parliamentarians involved, to the parties, to the chairmen of the commissions, to the President of the Senate and to the President of the Chamber is to prevent the logic of the past from winning. Also because, in the perception of many people who believed in a possible change in this affair, it would be the tombstone of the possibilities for renewal of this political class

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