A strategy and governance for digital innovation is needed as soon as possible

Two turning points for the relaunch of the national system

Associazione Stati Generali dell'Innovazione: “Overcoming the impasse and promoting a new governance for the country's competitiveness. A strategy and governance for digital innovation is needed as soon as possible"

Two months after the inauguration of the new government, no answers have yet been given two crucial points for decisively launching economic growth policies.

Two turning points that must be among the priorities to favor the relaunch of the national system:

  • Launch one organic digital strategy, envisaged as a specific fulfillment by article 1 paragraph 1 of law 179/2012 "Crescita 2.0";
  • Define one governance that avoids operational blockage we are witnessing, with the Agency for Digital Italy which does not have a single point of reference to account for, a Steering Committee chaired by the Agency itself, and competences on the various matters attributed "in consultation" to several Ministers.

Digital innovation in Italy is often conceived as a limited, strictly technological area. A sector. Nothing more wrong. It is about the social and productive future of our country. It's about the quality of life for all of us. The innovative impact of communication and knowledge technologies cuts across all economic and social sectors and constitutes a fundamental competitive drive. The points we highlight, if not resolved, risk creating serious damage to the entire socio-economic system.

For this reason the Association States General of Innovation (www.statigeneralinnovazione.it) requests that the Government immediately address the points highlighted, and in particular That:

  •  On the definition of strategic lines for the digital transpose the proposals contained in  Charter of Intent for Innovation”, promoted by the Association and discussed on 21 May in the Permanent Consultation of Innovation, And which has garnered the support of hundreds of citizens, administrators, businesses, associations and almost thirty MPs from all sides (see notes here https://www.statigeneralinnovazione.it/le-proposte-da-condividere-con-gli-eletti-in-parlamento/).
  • On the issue of governance you work by identifying in the Presidency of the Council the single point of reference on digital policies, with the task of coordinating the strategic plan, to be conducted with the operational support of the Agency for Digital Italy; and also identifies major country-projects, to be attributed to individual ministers, who assume responsibility for measurable results.

Finally, we highlight the importance of choosing the personality (or group of personalities) who will be given the operational task of following the plan on behalf of the Prime Minister: in our opinion, a method based on transparency, merit, independence from economic interests at stake by favoring the experiences conducted in the field of social innovation, the dealing with multiple environments and systems (businesses, administrations, the training and research system), international experience. Yesterday an announcement was made via twitter by President Letta for a designation for Francesco Caio as "Mister Agenda Digitale". We very much hope that the designated operating group as a whole meets the principles and requirements set forth herein.

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