From the "General States of Innovation" a proposal to the Monti Government for a "package against the digital spread"

(Comunicato in draft. Sarà completato al più presto anche con le otto schede delle proposte)

On Friday 25 and Saturday 26, in two days of intense work, the States General of Innovation (SGI), an initiative to which over one hundred associations, companies and non-profit organizations have joined, carried out the first stage of the "roadmap for innovation of Italy” proposing a comparison between the “three states” (politics and administrations, businesses and universities, the third sector) on the theme of innovation as the obligatory way to get the country out of the crisis.

Dozens of representatives of political forces, the business world, intermediate subjects and operators followed one another on stage and took part in the Open Talk discussing the proposals on the four topics considered fundamental for a national strategic plan for innovation:

  1. creativity and shared knowledge
  2. digital inclusion
  3. innovation for development
  4. open government

On these issues have been prepared organic programs of concrete actions on which the SGI will work in the coming months. Important representatives of the European Commission, the Commission Country team leader,  Mario CAMPOLARGO – DG INFSO/F “Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures”- e  Franco ACCORDINO – European Commission, Leader of the "Digital Futures" Task Force, to which the SGIs proposed themselves as a means of disseminating European policies on the Digital Agenda and innovation and as a representative interlocutor of a broad stakeholder base.

The first immediate action with which the SGI places themselves at the disposal of the Monti Government is the preparation of a "package against the digital spread ” in eight points that allows the relaunch of the sector, also through the activation of the vital and innovative forces that are already present in the country, but which are not yet able to present themselves as an organic system of innovation.

Le proposte, che tra breve saranno esposte in otto schede dettagliate, ricche di spunti operativi, descrivono come:

  1. Networking the innovation chain:
    Networking the entire chain of innovation - University, Business, Credit, Territory - is the key measure to make possible an economic policy centered on innovation as the engine of growth and development of our country.
  2. Launch a call for digital innovation that promotes the competitiveness of Made in Italy and SMEs:
    A call for the redevelopment of the Italian ICT industry and to encourage the injection of digital technologies and new technologies to open international markets to our SMEs and to increase the competitiveness of strong Made in Italy supply chains.
  3. Promote digital federalism:
    Privilege the municipality as the engine of an innovative network process both in the field of digitization and in that of energy diversification, enhancing the Local Digital Agenda as a tool for empowering small and medium-sized municipalities.
  4. Use operational subsidiarity:
    Organization of local models that integrate the collaborative capacity of the network to organize and manage citizen services. To this end, on the basis of a convergence between the local authority and the third sector, the priority is the establishment in each municipality of a regulatory plan for innovation and connectivity, the setting up of digital services conferences in the municipalities and small and medium-sized municipalities , and the systematization of the sharing and integration of experiences and good practices of information, support and awareness for the social groups at greatest risk of delay and exclusion.
  5. Creating the conditions for a new culture of innovation: <Creare le condizioni per lo sviluppo di una cultura dell’innovazione sia attraverso l’applicazione di nuovi modelli educativi basati sul ”social learning” e della ”peer education” in tutti i percorsi formativi (scuola, formazione professionale, università, formazione continua) sia attraverso la ricerca tecnologica applicata alle nuove produzioni culturali, promuovendo nuovi modelli distributivi nella liberalizzazione la conoscenza. Si propone un intervento in RAI, in quanto servizio pubblico, per creare fasce di programmazione sull’innovazione in tutti gli ambiti e sulle culture digitali.
  6. Perseguire il modello delle smart city:
    Interpretare le politiche innovative relative alle smart city come opportunità per coniugare una nuova progettazione dello spazio pubblico sia con lo sviluppo della banda larga sia con l’invenzione di nuovi format partecipativi, per favorire l’interazione tra il web e le realtà sociali che agiscono nel territorio.
  7. Relaunch the path towards Open Government
    L’approccio open vuole una PA che sia costruita come una rete di amministrazioni interconnesse e interoperanti, le tecnologie della rete permettono ora alla PA una nuova organizzazione e abilitano le grandi operazioni di open data, g-cloud, PA 2.0 che sono insieme un obiettivo di apertura, partecipazione e democrazia e uno strumento di efficienza, efficacia, risparmio di risorse. L’uso del software libero/open source si situa come tappa importante di questo percorso di apertura.
  8. Making PA data public in open format:
    Una strategia coerente di open data deve garantire: l’uso pubblico dei database di interesse nazionale con una particolare attenzione ai dati territoriali; una sanatoria che consideri tutti i dati che le PA hanno sino ad ora pubblicato come “open bydefault” e quindi soggette a licenze aperte.

The territorial structure through which the association that promotes the SGI will make its capacity for intervention and monitoring on the territory more widespread is being defined.

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