The first Mapping Party will be held in Acqui Terme (AL) to explore the former “Lama Italia – Coltelleria Kaimano” production area. Friday 29 September 2017, from 2.30 to 7.30 pm, at the Civic Library "The Book Factory”, in piazza Maggiorino Ferraris 5, people interested in collecting information and mapping the surrounding points of interest on OpenStreetMap will meet.
The inspection of the production area will be enriched with the help of the testimonies of the citizens of Acqui, municipal technicians and expert mappers. No prior mapping experience is required for the mapping party participants. You can use your own smartphones and laptops to make changes and enrich the map database. At the moment, the appropriate free applications available for the system used will be provided. Places are limited and to facilitate the organization of the workstations, confirmation is required at the following web address:
The Mapping party is an exploration and mapping event and is open to everyone, genuine Acquisi and visitors, professionals, students, the simple curious, explorers, "tech geeks" and above all to those who are beginners and want to learn and put themselves test while having fun. To create a free map of the city of Acqui Terme all together, starting from one of the symbolic buildings of its industrious and productive past, the former Kaimano cutlery shop, the free and accessible map will be used "OpenStreetMap”, smartphones and personal PCs, but above all curiosity and the desire to discover the history of an area of Acqui Terme, where one perhaps spends every day.
This first mapping party meeting is aimed at disseminating skills in the use of new technologies, also useful for reviving the production areas and giving the city of Acqui Terme a "talking sign" which will illustrate what the area of "Blade Italy - Kaimano cutlery”, what it represented for the city and what it could be again.
Those who want to learn more about the creation and reuse of geodata for the promotion of the territory through experiential maps, it should be noted that registrations to theOpenGeoData School 2017 they are open until October 2nd.
We are waiting for you, curious!